Top Tips on Making Self-employment Work for You When You Are Living with a Chronic Illness

We all know that running a business can be hard, but if you’re running a business whilst living with a chronic illness, then it is important to make sure that it isn’t too hard on your health. The most important thing we can do is protect ourselves from stress and from overworking. Easier said than done? Well, there are a few steps you can take to make it possible.

Listen To What Your Body Needs

The first thing to do is tune in to your body and listen to what it wants. Your body has a remarkable way of telling you what it needs, but it is too easy to ignore it. If you’re feeling tired or your eyes are starting to feel sore, then that is a good indicator that you need to step away from the computer and get some rest. If your shoulders are starting to ache, then that’s a reminder to do some gentle stretches for your neck and shoulders. Ignoring our body’s warning signs can have a detrimental effect on our health.

Pay attention to the schedule that your body needs. If you can, take some time to journal and note when you are at your most productive and when you struggle to get anything done. You will soon start to notice a pattern. Once you’ve done that, you can assign certain tasks for when they are best suited to you. 

For example, if you struggle to get going in the morning, that is a good time to either do something enjoyable and relaxing or a task that is easy to complete. Then, if you have more energy late in the morning, that would be a good time to work on more challenging tasks that require focus and attention to detail. Working in this way makes you much more productive and improves the quality of your work. It also encourages you to rest when you need to.

When you have a chronic illness it is important to work smarter and not harder. How often do you work all day but get nothing done? The key is to work in a way that enables you to achieve more in a shorter amount of time. Before you sit down to work, identify which single task you want to complete and ensure that all distractions are switched off. Then work intentionally on that one task for about 45 minutes.

Once this is completed, take a break away from all screens, maybe get outside or do a few stretches and remember to stay hydrated. Once you return to your desk, you will be in a much better state to complete your task or feel refreshed to start a new one. Working in this focussed and intentional way allows you to get through your work tasks in an effective manner, which then gives you time to focus on what you enjoy doing.

Progress Is Better Than Perfection

If you are constantly striving for perfection, it is very difficult to complete a task and move on to the next one. When I have bad health days, I can be very critical of my work. I need to allow myself to accept that my work is good enough so that I can then put it aside and move on to the next task.

Finally, remember to schedule some time for yourself. You will work much more effectively if you have taken care of yourself. Decide which activities are most beneficial to your physical and mental health. Perhaps you like to take a walk or do some colouring, or maybe an afternoon nap or a chat with a friend is what helps you most. Once you identify these activities, schedule them into your diary. You will be able to get through much more work if you’ve taken the time to look after yourself.

Taking these steps can help you to work effectively in your business. They will enable you to have a successful business while also looking after your health.


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