October is when the UK celebrates Black History Month! This tradition started in the USA, and is observed worldwide to honor the contribution of the black community to global culture. We encourage you to take this month to support BAME businesses, companies, and professionals where you can.
Below, we’ve listed some links to the Instagram accounts of disabled/chronically ill black professionals who we love. Give them a follow!
Mary Raftopoulos: https://www.instagram.com/this_is_impt/
Keah Brown: https://www.instagram.com/keah_maria/
Haben Girma: https://www.instagram.com/habengirma/
Garrison Redd: https://www.instagram.com/garrisonredd/
Stephanie Thomas: https://www.instagram.com/disabilityfashionstylist/
Useful Links:
Black History Month Website/Magazine: https://www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhmuk?lang=en
The Guardian’s Black History Month section: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/blackhistorymonth