How to Practice Kaizen for your Career in 2022

Learning how to practice Kaizen for your career in 2022 may be something to pursue if you show up on New Year’s Day in a poof of magic smoke and excitement to smash all your goals, only to feel frustrated a few days or weeks later.

We all know that perfection doesn’t exist, yet we still strive for it, leaving us with the bitter taste of disappointment and the insatiable inner bully hungry to tell us we’re not good enough when we don’t live up to our own high expectations. Introducing... Kaizen, a kinder approach.

What is Kaizen? 

‘Kaizen’ is Japanese for ‘continuous improvement’. It’s a Japanese business philosophy about the power of making smaller, continuous improvements instead of the wild and dramatic major changes. In the middle of the 1900s, Kaizen was popularised as a business philosophy by Toyota, and since then, thousands of companies and individuals have implemented Kaizen for success.

The idea is that smaller, incremental changes build up, creating a substantial impact and significant long-term change over time. This can help people with individual goals on a personal level, or whole organisations improve their systems and output in a gentle but powerful way for employees. 

Kaizen philosophy indicates that every member of a team can identify problems and suggest solutions. People are more than the work they produce, and their creativity to find solutions to problems or improve systems is valued. 

The ultimate Kaizen goal? Well, in the workplace, it’s to create an environment that values every person’s contribution no matter their position, enhancing feelings of self-worth and encouraging people to strive for progress and improvements. The result is a workplace that respects people and where creative solutions can be found by utilising the strengths of a diverse team who have work satisfaction. 

Applying Kaizen to Your Career 

You might be thinking, that’s great, but how do you actually practice Kaizen for your career in 2022? Focus on moving the needle forward a little every day instead of launching like a rocket. Because that rocket is sure to hit the ground sooner or later. 

Start with one big goal. Break it down into steps. These are the smaller actions you will take each day to reach your goal. 

Chipping away, little and often, can help us sustain enthusiasm and avoid overwhelm. At the start of a new year, month or week, it’s absolutely okay to pace ourselves and take mindful breaths through any fear or challenges. Slow and steady can be extremely effective!

2022 Goal—Find a fulfilling new job 

An example of practicing Kaizen. Little and often, one task at a time.

Task 1: What does your dream job look like? Make a list. What are your work hours like? What tasks does your dream role involve? Are you working remotely, in an office/workplace or a hybrid of both? Gaining clarity around what is ideal for you will help you go for the jobs that are truly a great match. 

Task 2: Have a look at job descriptions. See what skills and requirements they’re looking for. Pick out the skills you might need to work on to make you the best candidate. 

Task 3: Find a short course that focuses on building a skill you want to work on. 

Task 4: Start the course you signed up for. Schedule in time in your calendar to work towards it each week.  

Task 5: Update LinkedIn profile.

Task 6: Research companies on LinkedIn or elsewhere that would fit the company and job you’re looking for. 

Task 7: Send a message and introduce yourself to a company that fits all your criteria. Let them know you would love to be considered for any specific positions they have in the future. 

Task 8: Connect with a recruiter who specialises in your field.

Task 9: Apply for a job.

Task 10: Work on your interview skills. This is a brilliant YouTube video on questions to ask at an interview by Cass Thompson. Watch until the end for the bold killer question to impress your interviewer. 

Task 11: Join us in January for SIC’s Career Clinic to receive guidance on your career in a safe, supportive environment. Don’t forget to follow us on Eventbrite to make sure you don’t miss out when we post a new event.

Task 12: Listen to Paul McKenna’s Instant Confidence Hypnosis which you can now access for free on YouTube. Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for a multitude of things, including building confidence. Use if you’ve been facing rejection, avoiding applying for jobs you’re interested in out of fear or before a job interview to help you feel more prepared. Or simply because you want to boost your confidence in all areas of your life!

Task 13: Prepare for an interview. 

Task 14: Attend an interview 

Task 15: Email HR or the person who interviewed you, thanking them for the opportunity.

The best part is that you can apply Kaizen to any area of your life you wish to improve or change. 

It may not feel as exciting as instant results, but over time, these small changes will compound. Eventually, the huge positive change you desired in your life will arrive and you will be celebrating your wins, reflecting on how far you have come. 

If you fancy making continuous small but mighty changes with SIC, why not become a trainee? We currently have opportunities in marketing and PR, social media and editorial. We would love to be part of helping you build your career in 2022! 

Written by Jess Burman 




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