SIC’s reverse job fair

This year, we're creating SIC's first-ever reverse job fair on 29 October 2024 in Birmingham, generously funded by npower Business Solutions, which will be supporting 20-25 disabled, neurodivergent, and /or chronically ill participants to access inclusive employment. The project will include provision of training and mentorship. 

Interested in participating as a disabled, neurodivergent, and /or chronically ill participant or as a mentor or trainer? Read more about the project below and click the sign up links to join!

If you’re a business that wants to join us, you can register for the reverse jobs fair and our conference here.

What's a reverse job fair? 

A reverse job fair flips traditional job fairs on their head. Instead of organisations promoting themselves, it's participants instead. Employers are encouraged to visit the stands and consider roles they have available as well as job shaping to create more inclusive and appropriate roles that fit with the skills and experience participants can bring to their organisation. 

The aim of the reverse job fair is to equip disabled, neurodivergent, and/or chronically ill professionals with skills to support them into paid work and facilitate inclusive employment opportunities at the fair itself.

If you’ve ever felt that the current support system isn’t working for you, this could be the perfect opportunity to get involved in something else.

What can I expect from SIC’s reverse job fair?

In addition to joining us at the SIC Conference, all participants will receive wrap-around training and support in the form of live e-learning, in-person learning, and mentorship.

By the end of this programme, all participants will have:

  • A template CV

  • A template covering letter

  • The opportunity to speak to a range of employers

  • A clear overview of their skills and experience

  • A renewed confidence in their career prospects.

Participants will join us in person twice.

  • Friday 20th September - launch event, Birmingham City Centre, afternoon

  • Tuesday 29th October - SIC’s Conference and the Reverse Job Fair.

All other sessions will be delivered online via Zoom on Wednesdays between 5-6.30 pm.

You’ll also receive a £350 stipend to support your engagement with this project. See more below**.

Who is the reverse jobs fair for? 

The reverse job fair is for people who are:

  • Disabled/neurodivergent/ chronically ill

  • Over the age of 18

  • Based in the West Midlands

  • (Ideally) in one of the seven West Midlands Combined Authority constituency areas*

  • Currently unemployed or underemployed (in employment but not having enough paid work or not doing work that makes full use of your abilities or skills, or has no opportunities for progression)

Participants can be at any stage of their career (e.g. just entering the workplace, or have been in employment for some time). The goal of this project is to focus on good jobs rather than simply a job.

Currently, our area of expertise lies in neurodivergence, chronic health conditions, and disabilities. Internally, we are unable to provide expert support to those with learning disabilities; however, if a participant already has support around them, we would welcome an application. If you would like to discuss this further, please email

What support will be provided? 

Participants will be allocated a mentor to support them throughout the process and provide six to eight weekly online mentoring sessions. We will also be running a number of key training sessions designed to build confidence, develop CVs, and get ready for the job fair.

Training topics will include: 

  • Skills and values alignment

  • CV creation

  • Canva training

  • Cover letter session

  • Interview skills

  • Confidence

  • Planning for your career (live in-person session before the job fair)

  • Next steps - and where to go next (where to find jobs, how to apply for them) 

Participants will receive £350 as a stipend** for participation, as well as being provided with training and a mentor. 

How can I help?

This is a huge project that we simply cannot do alone. We’re looking for mentors and trainers who are open to sharing their experiences with our participants.

Mentors and trainers can come from any industry or background - the important thing is a desire to support this project’s participants to achieve their employment goals and access inclusive employment.

We are particularly encouraging mentors and trainers who might receive paid voluntary hours from their organisation or be willing to offer their expertise on a voluntary basis as we have a very limited budget ourselves. However, there is a small budget available for mentors and trainers, so please still apply if you require financial support to be involved.

What are the commitments?


Participants will be expected to fully participate in your mentoring sessions (approximately six-eight 45-60-minute online sessions) and attend training sessions (seven 90-minute online sessions and one in-person session in Birmingham on the day of the reverse job fair) between September and early November.

You will also be expected to attend the reverse job fair event and engage in any follow-up (e.g. surveys). 

This will be around 4 hours of participation per week over approximately 8 weeks. On the conference day, 29 October, participants will be expected to join the whole day 10am - 5 pm. We are also hoping to host an in-person launch event for all participants in central Birmingham.


Mentors will be expected to do six-eight 45-60 minute online sessions. We’d love for you to join our session on the 29th October, but there will be no obligation to do so.

Trainers will be encouraged to do one 90-minute session online/in person in Birmingham. 

Employers/ organisations

We’d love employers to attend the SIC Conference on disability in the workplace, taking place on the 29th October. During this day, you’ll hear from expert speakers and panels and have the opportunity to join our first-ever reverse job fair.

Whilst there is no obligation to hire any of the participants, we do expect you to come with an open mind and think about ways to shape your organisation's jobs around individuals’ skills and experience.

If you currently have any roles you’d like to fill, or would be interesting in sponsoring any elements of the day or this programme (we’re very open to skills swaps) please email

If you’d like to find out more about the conference. You can register here.

When is it?

The reverse job fair will form part of the SIC Conference on 29 October 2024 held in Birmingham at Matthew Boulton College. The six to eight mentoring sessions and training workshops will be held between September and early November.

How do I get involved?


If you would like to get involved as a participant, click the button below before 6 September 2024 to complete the sign-up form, and we’ll be in touch with further details. Get in touch with us via email if you have any questions:

Click here to access the list of questions, or click on the audio description button below, to apply to this project as a participant before completing the sign-up form or if you wish to submit a video/audio application via email at


If you would like to participate as a mentor or trainer, click the button below before 6 September 2024 to complete the sign-up form, and we’ll be in touch with further details. Get in touch with us via email if you have any questions:

Click here to access the list of questions, or click on the audio description button below, to apply to this project as a mentor or trainer before completing the sign-up form or if you wish to submit a video/audio application via email at

Organisations/ employers

If you would like to participate in the reverse job fair as a potential employer, please click the link below to get in touch with us and we’ll be in contact with further details.

*The seven constituency areas within The West Midlands Combined Authority are:

  • Birmingham City Council

  • Coventry City Council

  • Dudley Metro Borough Council

  • Sandwell Metro Borough Council

  • Solihull Metro Borough Council

  • Walsall Council

  • City of Wolverhampton

**Please note that it is the responsibility of participants to check whether receiving the stipend will interfere with any benefit claims.

Frequently asked questions

Anything else? Just email

  • We will provide a small stipend for participants of £350. This is to pay for your time and any travel and expenses. Will will pay £150 at the beginning of this project and a further £200 on completion.

    Should you drop out during the programme, you may be expected to pay back the initial £150.

  • Fantastic - we love to hear it. Drop us a line via and we'll be in touch

  • We can't guarantee anything unfortunately but will be running a session after the day to provide some ideas around next steps.

    We also hope that updates to your CVs and job applications should help you to acquire good work.

  • No. You'll need to be over the age of 18, living in the West Midlands, and currently un or under employed.

    We do not expect you to have any specific qualifications or experience.

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